Blue Light Productions Present * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O R I O N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR A MORE COMPREHENSIVE HELP, LOAD ORION.HLP. (If you don't know how to do this then scroll down to end of this file.) EMAIL (INTERNET): COMPUSERVE: 100115,3160 ************************************************************************************ What is Orion? A strategy game based on a grid with aliens controlling cells. 2-4 players may play, and any of those may be computer players. ---> Requires a 386 with Windows running in 256 colours, or greater. ---> Better graphics for systems with more than 256 colours ************************************************************************************ Latest version of Orion now has: v3.8+ Speed v4.0+ Computer player more stability (in fonts, etc.) Scoring system T H E O B J E C T =================== The object is to dominate the board by capturing other aliens. B O A R D S E T U P ===================== The board is based on a grid. 2-4 players can play, and each play controls a different colony of aliens. Each colony starts with 2 aliens and a base in one corner of the screen. T H E R U L E S ================= The first part in a turn is to destroy any unwanted aliens by clicking on them with the right mouse button. Then the player must place another alien next to one of his or her's on the board. If, in that turn, three aliens surround the enemy then the enemy is captured, and that player controls the cell in the grid. Now that the player has another alien, this may have a knock-on effect, and another enemy may be surrounded and captured. Consequently, a player can wipe out another player in one go. A player will be knocked out if his base is captured, or if all his aliens have been taken. H I N T S : =========== > Don't clump too many of your aliens together; they are vulnerable and can be destroyed easily: use the right mouse button to break up large groups of aliens. > Think ahead: gaining 2 aliens may result in losing 20 in the next go. > When playing with more than 2 players, form alliances - you can then combine forces to attack other players. I'll leave the more subtle tips for you to find out. ************************************************************************************** R E G I S T R A T I O N ************************************************************************************** HAS YOUR 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL EXPIRED? IF SO REGISTER NOW! ONLY UKœ8 POUNDS STERLING (all inclusive) OR US$15 (all inclusive) OR EQUIVALENT OF US$15 in other currency Y O U C A N R E G I S T E R B Y P O S T O R B Y C O M P U S E R V E You will get: larger grid, more play options, my support, information on new releases, more galaxies, *** the ability to DESIGN YOUR OWN LEVELS! *** no more annoying info pages on start-up no nagging when you quit *** hard copy of manual *** Please quote Orion version number when ordering R E G I S T E R I N G B Y C O M P U S E R V E ================================================= Registration by CompuServe is extremely easy: >>>> GO SWREG >>>> FOLLOW ON SCREEN INFORMATION! Registration ID 5781 Once you have registered you will receive the registration code by mail (not email) within 28 days, although you are likely to receive it well before then. It is our policy to try to dispatch all orders within 2 days. R E G I S T E R I N G B Y P O S T ===================================== TO REGISTER BY POST USE THE REGISTRATION FORM IN REGFORM.TXT If you do not have a printer, then you send your name, address, the Orion version number and a cheque or postal order for UKœ8 / US$15 / equivalent of US$15 Send a cheque or postal order to: Orion 4.00, BLP (Robin Reason) Lane Cottage, Blagrave Farm Lane, Caversham, Reading. ENGLAND RG4 7JX All cheques made payable to 'Robin Reason' You will receive a registration code in the post that you can enter by loading the 'REGISTER.EXE' file. This will unlock the extra features in the game. Feel free to add any comments about the game. And last of all... ----> E N J O Y ! <---- ========================= Credits: Many thanks to these people for their undivided support (well sort of) David Liddament Martin Donegan And to the many, many thousands of beta tests: Robin Pollock, Kevin Jory, (okay, okay. Only they, but they did do a lot) And also to Kevin Jory for the Windows help file. For more information load the help file, ORION.HLP: 1. Select FILE from Program Manager, then RUN, then enter the directory that Orion is in, then ORION.HLP. This will load the help file Eg (C:\WINDOWS\ORION.HLP). 2. Click on HELP from in the game, then ORION HELP. 3. Double click on ORION.HLP from File Manager.